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Small Business Crawl

Small Business Crawl

Economic Development- Small Business Crawl 2017

Delta G.E.M.S

Delta G.E.M.S

Delta G.E.M.S national logo.

Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy

Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy

Delta Academy national logo



Small Business Crawl Map

Small Business Crawl Map



EMBODI national logo

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Delta Academy

The Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy named in honor of our late soror, Dr. Betty Shabazz encourages young girls ages 11-14 to achieve, believe in themselves and understand the responsibilities of their role in the community.


Delta GEMS

Dr. Jeanne L. Noble Delta GEMS (Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully) Institute is an outgrowth and continuation of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy Program and was created to assist in facilitating the goals of adolescent African American girls ages 14-18.


Economic Development

Financial Fortitude was designed to help sorority members and members of the Queens community take a closer look at the various paths to attain personal wealth and financial security. This program helps participants to set goals, develop a financial plan, and put them to action.



The Ethel Cuff Black Education Initiative is named after one of our charter members of the Queens Alumnae Chapter who was also one of our beloved Founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. This program provides tutorial services and educational supports to educators and administrators in various schools in the Queens community.



The EMBODI (Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence) Program is designed to strengthen the efforts of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc with the support and action of other organizations on the plight of African American males.



Physical and Mental Health

The Physical and Mental Health Committee's mission is to promote education, awareness, and accessibility of information regarding health issues that significantly impact the Queens community.


International Awareness and Involvement

The International Awareness Committee serves as a bridge for the diaspora in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. This program provides support to BASICS International and assists with funding to schools in Ghana.


Project Cherish

This national program was created in 1992 for the preservation and beautification of African American landmarks, monuments, and historic sites. The Queens Alumnae Chapter is a proud sponsor of the Lewis H. Latimer House, an African American landmark in the Queens community.

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day

Increasing Impact Through Transparency and Partnerships

Breast Cancer Walk-2017

Breast Cancer Walk-2017

Flapjack Breakfast 2017

Flapjack Breakfast 2017

Proceeds go to the Louis H.Latimer House

Lewis H. Latimer

Lewis H. Latimer

American Inventor and Draftsman

Project Cherish

Project Cherish

Latimer House Donation

The Louis H. Latimer House Museum

The Louis H. Latimer House Museum

Flushing, NY

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QuAC Scholarshp Recipients 2017

QuAC Scholarshp Recipients 2017

Social Action Committee

Social Action Committee

Panel Discussion

Chapter member vote

Chapter member vote

Election Day 2017

Teen Lift Committee College Tour

Teen Lift Committee College Tour

26th Annual College Tour

Social Action

Social Action

Chapter members visit Veterans Administration Hospital

QuAC Social Action

QuAC Social Action

Anti-Gun Violence Campaign

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Educational Development is a foundational tenet of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. The Queens Alumnae Chapter’s Scholarship Program is committed to supporting higher education; and awards four-year scholarships to help offset the rising costs of tuition to college students.


Social Action Committee

Social Action is concerned with the status of people of color and focuses resources to promote advocacy and community awareness of issues that affect public policy, economic viability, and social justice.


Teen Lift Committee

Teen Lift was established as a national program in 1966. This program provides educational and travel experiences for participating youth. The goal is to help youth in the Queens community build their sense of pride, self-esteem, commitment in their community and to strive for higher education. Students participate in workshops and community service. Workshops cover life skills topics around health, political, cultural, educational, and economic awareness. Each year, the Queens Alumnae Chapter sponsors tours to Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

  "Leading and Serving With Grace & Fortitude"

The Queens Alumnae chapter was awarded DigiDiva status at the 51st Eastern Region Convention

© 2023 by The Queens Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. This website is the sole property and responsibility of the Queens Alumnae Chapter (QuAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

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